Omaha, Big sky, Great Plains, The Ogallala Aquifer everywhere underfoot.
I had some success today speaking with a plant in the hotel pool area, It spoke unexpectedly into my quiet soaking mind, saying it did not like all of the chlorine fumes, and was doing it's best to clean the air in there.
" The forest person will scrutinize you closely. Maybe she will sniff you. Maybe not. But she will size you up, that's for sure. Sacha Huarmi wants to see if you are complete, if you have the fiber to see the training through to the end. "
-Dale Pendell
" The deepest evil in the totalitarian system is precisely that which makes it work: its programmed , single-minded monotonous efficiency; bureaucratic formalism , the dueling daily service, standard , boring, letter-perfect, generalities, uniform. No thought and no responsiveness. Eichmann. Form without anima becomes formalism . . . forms without luster , without the presence of body. "
- James Hillman
" It is perhaps why many who possess a top-down morality never want to look into the world and truly see what is there. For the reflections they receive would, indeed, be terrible to bear.
But the morality that comes from engaging with the world is not a top-down morality. It is something else again, a living thing that comes from the world itself.
You are shaped by this interaction with the world in the way you are meant to be shaped. In your nonlinear, unprogrammed walking through the world, you find things you need to find. The clients who come to you, the plants you meet, the particular wildness of the world that you eat, or that motivate you to eat any particular shadow from your bag, all shape you in particular ways. A certain kind of morality begins to emerge. you begin to take on the luminous quality present in healthy ecosystems, in old-growth forest, in mountains. "
-Stephen Harrod Buhner
" The proper way is to acquire a learning directly from nature that requires no formal studies. "
- Masanobu Fukuoka
Currently listening to:
Tiny Vipers - Hands across the void
Daniel Higgs - Atomic Yggdrassil Tarot
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