Arrived at the Bottletree in Birmingham , Alabamba this club is awesome. Top notch all. Their is a streamliner camper in the back for bands to kick it in decked out with beds to nap and Atari. Happy to be here , the weather , the folks , everything is just inviting. Atlanta was cool. we strayed to the Hilton downtown and ate mini pizzas at 4 in the morning. Weird night of sleep, Victoria awoke from a dream and tried to escape the room from some phantom that chased her out of her dream, luckily she could not figure the door lock in her sleepy state. I myself had some freaky dreams I was being chased as well and I kept telling myself this is a video game and I can stop it at any point. we went thrifting in ATL and everyone seemed to find some good stuff. a leather vest and a strange camel colored pair of chinese brand stay pressed as my booty.
I have been rereading ' The secret teachings of plants ' by Stephen Harrod Buhner
He pulls quotes alot so I decided to pull some quotes myself and post them here for all:
'All ancient and indigenous peoples said that they learned the uses of plants as medicines from the plants themselves. They insisted that they did not rely on the analytical capacities of the brain for this nor use the technique of trial and error. Instead, they said that it was from the heart of the world, from the plants themselves, that this knowledge came. For, they insisted, the plants can speak to human beings if only human beings will listen and respond to them in the proper state of mind'
'Scholars have for the most part a diseased way of looking at the world. They mean by it a few cities and unfortunate assemblies of men and women, who might all be concealed in the grass of the prairies. . . When I go abroad from under this shingle or slate roof, I find several things which they have not considered.'
-Henry David Thoreau
' the shapes around which Euclid arranged his mathematics are exceptionally rare in nature: mountains are not cones, the Earth is not a sphere, and straight lines are nonexistent'
' These apparently static material forms , mountains and water, are the body and blood of a living ecosystem, the Earth, and can never be accurately viewed in isolation from the whole. They make up one complete living organism.'
' whatever appears in the world must divide if it is to appear at all. What has divided seeks itself again, can return to itself and reunite. . . in the reunion of the intensified halves it will produce a third thing, something new, higher, unexpected.'
From the south and the inbetweens of my psyche I bid you well
Listening to:
Mark Hollis - Mark Hollis
Explosions in the Sky - All of a sudden I miss everyone
Corrupted - Se Hace Por Los Suenos Asesinos
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