Upstairs at the familiar 506 in Carborro(chapel hill), looks like someone has been sprucing this place up a bit . Tour is going well. We spent a few cold days in Baltimore where Kathryn and Alex put us up in an extra art space that they have that is always super warm and cozy. I spent the time playing guitar, I have been learning a bunch of other's songs. I think I have finally memorized every verse of ' hallelujah ' which is a feat for this brain. So perhaps I will play some covers at a show soon.
Daydreaming today about Mt. Tam
sitting on the east side in the sun
the magic crystal spot
Brad Jonas Coffey
the squirrels at the stone theatre
Alien veins of green stone tearing through the landscape( glaciers ) massive movers
the smell of sage
Albino Redwood Tree
stone circles and mazes
endless fog
the Mycelium fucking everywhere under my feet
Olden mossy Firs
currently listening to:
Xasthur/Nortt split
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